Self-Esteem & Flaws

We all have them. Those moments of weakness when we pick at every flaw we have. I know for myself, I used to struggle with my self-esteem. I compared myself to others, their looks, and their success. I never allowed myself to measure up because I never saw the best in myself. I always saw the worst in me and was determined to change it. However, that only left me feeling defeated and tired.

            I was worn out from only seeing the negative aspects of myself, my flaws. I no longer saw myself as a whole person. My thoughts were negative and were spiraling downward.

This poem resonated with me, my thoughts, and my feelings:

Looking in the mirror seeing every flaw

   wondering why I have this all

Why can’t I look like that girl

Why can’t I be that tall

Why do I have to walk with a limp

Why to a mole on my lip

Why don’t they like me the way they like her

Why do I care so much

Why does it hurt

I want to be brave

I want to be bold

I want to love myself

   and the way I was made

But how do I do that

How does that go

Help me love myself

Help me grow

-       Author Unknown 

Sometimes we just find ourselves in the endless cycles; destructive loops that are difficult to get away from. Low self-esteem shows itself in a variety of ways depending on the individual. It can have devastating effects that causes an individual to feel isolated and alone. At The Fountains Fellowship Counseling Center, allow us to come alongside you to help you see the strong, unique, and beautiful person that you are.


Jessica Godfrey, MS, LPC-Associate

Supervised by R. Bartee, PhD, LPC-S, LMFT-S