I want to share with you about how to identify safe and unsafe relationships whether it’s with someone you’re dating, a spouse, a friendship, a family member, or even a co-worker.
Some questions to ask yourself are:
Do they accept me as I am, or do they expect me to be who or what they want or need?
Do they have right relationships in their life or are they always full of drama that’s someone else’s fault?
Do they totally cut people off or build walls to keep others away?
Do they live what they believe and help you do the same?
Encourage you?
Make your life better?
Hold you accountable in love and friendship?
Can you hold them accountable in love and friendship without them becoming defensive and causing conflict?
Are they more negative than positive?
Have a hard time with forgiveness?
Do they make demands instead of asking or requesting politely?
Reevaluate your level of stress with this person or people. Evaluate how hard it is to have positive interactions with them instead of negative.
We’re imperfect people, and selfish mistakes can be made in all relationships. But if you find yourself in constant stress and consistently feeling as if you can’t measure up to this person, they’re not safe.
The good news is you can change your situation…
Make a conscious decision to surround yourself with people who are positive, accept you for who you are, always growing, open to your opinions, have your back, and respect your personal boundaries.
Only you can determine the kind of life you want to live, and only you can give others permission to speak into your life and be a part of your life.
If you need help in taking the step to change your relationship, we have great counselors at The Fountains Counseling Center who would be willing to walk this journey with you. Call or schedule an appointment Online. There’s always hope for you.
Jena Bennett, MA, LPC